I'm cool, when are we going to eat?
Ah cars, thank goodness for Lightening McQueen
Okay we're dressed where are we going?
This week was an interesting and busy week. While Momma was at work Jet and Daddy were left to entertain themselves and now Jet's room is covered in train tracks. It does keep him busy, but is a little difficult to navigate. Daddy had his first softball games on Tuesday. This season started off very well with 2 wins, and Andy had 2 home runs, 2 triples and a double. Harleigh and Rogue are eating at the table with us at dinner now that they have high chairs, everyone seems to be enjoying this, though it does make the table very crowded! Jet is sharing his toys with his sisters for now, though I'm not sure how long this will last once they can actually play with them. And last but not least Daddy got the girls all dressed up to go out!