Thank you Heather for tagging me. I'll do my best to fulfill the rules!
Here are the rules:
*Link to the person who tagged you.
*Post the rules on your blog .
*Write six random things about yourself
*Tag six random people at the end of your post by linking to their blogs
*Let each person know they have been tagged by leaving a comment at their blog
*Let your tagger know when your entry is up.
Here are things about me.......
1) I miss my belly ring! I know, I know, I'm a grown up now, but I admit it, I miss it. It made it through having Jet, but not the girls. If I ever look normal again I would love to get it put back in, but realize that this will probably never happen.
2) I went to my first concert this year, yes I am 27 now and have only been to 1, but it was Garth so that has to count for something! I love him, I don't care if he's country, he's great!
3) I love scrapbooking. It's crazy, I don't do elaborate frilly pages with tons of embellishments, but I love it. I think it's a great way to tell our families story throughout the years. And I don't separate anything into separate albums like one for each kid and one for family stuff or holidays or vacations or whatever. Mine start with the one I made for Andy and I when we were dating through when we had Jet and they go in chronological order after that. I will also admit that I'm at least 6 months behind right now. I got pretty much caught up while I was on bed rest, but I haven't done anything since I had the girls!
4) I hate to eat things that squirt out water when you bite into them. Melon of any kind, the white part of lettuce, cucumbers etc. I like fruits and veggies, just not watery ones. I even like salad, as long as it's made with the ends of the lettuce leaves and spinach.
5) I miss being a blonde. All through college I had the time/could afford to keep up big chunky blonde highlights, now with the 3 kids I have gone back to my natural color, which turns out to be a very nice dark brown and I have the mom haircut aka the short cropped bob that's longer in the front than the back. I will admit that the style will change as I'm pretty sure Andy doesn't like it so I'll grow it back out, but I'm afraid for now at least I'll stay with the dark hair.
6) I currently live the farthest from home that I ever have ever. (about 2 hours drive time) Much to my husband's dismay I'm a Kansas girl and I love it here. I know the weather stinks sometimes and there's nothing to do, but I grew up here in a small town and can't imagine living in a big city with no room and no way to get away. Most of my family is within a 30 min drive from each other back home and that's where I like to be whenever we can. Don't get me wrong, I love my in-laws and to travel, I just love it here also!
Okay I'm tagging Val and other than that's I'm not sure I know anyone else that has a blog that hasn't already been tagged. If you read this and want to be tagged please let me know so I can!
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
5 Months!
Harleigh and Rogue turned 5 months old on Monday! They are so big! They roll all over the place and scoot around by wiggling their legs. They're also experimenting with getting up on their hands and knees. Harleigh is really good at it, and Mommy is not quite ready for them to be mobile! I love them, but wish they would grow up a little slower! I have no idea how big they are, but they are definately big. I'll have definate numbers next month after we go to the doctor. They're still sleeping through the night, so that's good and we've started eating baby food. Suprisingly Rogue loves everything, but Harleigh tends to be a little picky, right now we've determined that she's probably allergic to bananas and maybe squash, she however, loves peas and green beans and applesauce. They both are really starting to play with their toys also, Rogue loves to be on her tummy playing with toys that way while Harleigh likes to lay on her back and play with the toys hanging down from the play gym, and both girls like to play in their activity/bouncer seat. Anyway, that's about it for now, more later!
Jet's New Doggie (Almost)
My brother Jesse was dog sitting this weekend and brought the cutest Schnauzer to my parents house. Jet instantly fell in love! We think he liked the dog so much more than Granny and Pops dogs because he was more Jet sized. It was so cute to watch them play! And when Jesse left Jet was really sad and asked him where he was taking his doggie and why it wasn't staying at Granny's house. I just love the photos!
Happy Birthday Katie!
Katie and her Momma Charli
This past weekend we went to my friend Charli's daughter's first birthday parthy! Everyone had a good time, the girls got passed around and Jet got to play with some kids that were at his very first daycare while momma and daddy were still in school. I can't believe how fast time goes. I seems only yesterday that Charli was having Katie and we were finding out we were pregnant again. Now Katie's one and we have 2 little girls!
This past weekend we went to my friend Charli's daughter's first birthday parthy! Everyone had a good time, the girls got passed around and Jet got to play with some kids that were at his very first daycare while momma and daddy were still in school. I can't believe how fast time goes. I seems only yesterday that Charli was having Katie and we were finding out we were pregnant again. Now Katie's one and we have 2 little girls!
Monday, April 21, 2008
Little Gardener's
Every time Jet and I go to Dillons he talks me into buying some flowers. This weekend we took the time to plant them. Jet did pretty good. Of course then he likes playing in the dirt so this is nothing new....
Rogue was very excited about the flowers, I'm not sure if she wanted to eat them or what...
Harleigh enjoyed the weather outside, but she did not want to sit in her seat. She has figured out that if she arches her back she can slide out of it, so that's what she did most of the time until mommy strapped her in that is.
And Jet again, momma's little helper, finished the day watering the plants. He's very excited about watering them. I hope they last.

Busy Busy Busy
Girls Night Out
As I said before, the girls stayed with my friend Mary while we took Jet to the Yankee's game. Here are a few highlights she got when she wasn't running around crazy taking care of them. (I forget how much work 2 is for someone who doesn't have any, it's just second nature to us now)
They were holding hands and being brave in the beginning of the night .....
Then they played a little with Mary's niece, Mikayla
And finally they were ready for bed, at least Harleigh was, Rogue stayed up the entire time she was there, and then fell immediately asleep in the car as soon as we left the driveway!
Mary got to play with them and she fed them dinner (peas and bananas) and even gave them baths. But she sure was tired the next day when I saw her at work!
Mary got to play with them and she fed them dinner (peas and bananas) and even gave them baths. But she sure was tired the next day when I saw her at work!
Friday, April 11, 2008
Go Yankee's
As is tradition we went to the Yankee's-Royals baseball game again this year with my mom and brother. This year Jet went (his first professional game) and so did Daddy and Aunt Rel.
Also as is tradition it rained on us and we all wore plastic ponchos. It rained the whole game from the bottom of the first till the game was over. Oh well, everyone had a good time, even though the Yankee's lost. Jet got to see "shooting stars" (fireworks) when there were homeruns and at the end of the game.
Uncle Jesse and Daddy were too cool to wear the poncho's they'd rather get wet!
And most exciting Jet got his first baseball at his first game, sort of. At the end of the 8th the Royals right fielder threw a ball into the stands and the guy 2 seats away from us got it. All of his friends and the neighboring fans gave him lots of guff for taking a ball away from a 3 year old so he ended up giving it to Jet. He was so excited!!! And Andy and I thought the guy was being really nice, little did we know....As the game was ending the guy came back over and took the ball back from Jet and took it home! Can you believe it? Anyway it still was a great night! And for those of you wondering, the girls stayed with our friend Mary, I hope to have photos from her soon to post of their night as well.
Also as is tradition it rained on us and we all wore plastic ponchos. It rained the whole game from the bottom of the first till the game was over. Oh well, everyone had a good time, even though the Yankee's lost. Jet got to see "shooting stars" (fireworks) when there were homeruns and at the end of the game.

The kids and I went home last weekend just for Saturday night just to hang out and give Daddy some alone time. We basically did nothing, but the girls did watch the KU game with my brother Jesse (as you can tell from the photo he's a little crazy). Anyway Granny got the girls KU shirts to wear for the game.

Rogue was Jesse's little buddy, she watched the whole game with him and got really excited and laughed and smiled when he was excited and yelling. It was a good time. He even fed her her dinner so she could stay and watch the game with him!

St. Patrick's Parade
Friday, April 4, 2008
Green Beans
We let Jet pick what the girls' first food would be (besides cereal that is). He chose green beans. The girls really liked them. Contrary to the photo, Rogue did get some in her tummy, about 1/2 a jar in fact. She was just really excited to be eating something with flavor and not that bland old rice cereal.
Harleigh also enjoyed her half of the jar, so much so in fact that when it was gone she screamed for more. She is also a much neater eater and got pretty much everything in her tummy.
Mommy and Daddy are excited to have them starting to eat real food, but it's also a little sad to know they're growing up so fast.
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
4 month check up
Harleigh and Rogue are 4 months now. I can't believe it's been that long, but here we are already, getting ready to eat cereal and then food. Playing with toys, especially Harleigh, rolling over, especially Rogue and really developing personalities of their own! It's crazy, but good. They've both been sleeping all night since sometime in March. Harleigh has been since Valentine's day, but in March Rogue decided to join in too. Now bedtime is between 9 and 9:30 and they generally sleep all the way until 6am. It's amazing. We feel like normal people again, and now that I'm sleeping I'm trying to figure out a gym schedule so I can get back to working out! I'm excited.
Anyway, the girls went in for their check up and Harleigh weighs 13 lbs 1.6 oz and is 23 3/4" long and Rogue weighs 11 lbs 9.6 oz and is 24 1/4" long. They are both looking good according to Dr. Slaymaker and we can begin feeding them cereal. The only down side to the day was the 4 shots each they got and the rotavirus vaccine also that is liquid that they have to swallow. I know it's what's best for them, but it's still hard to hold 2 screaming girls. Espeically now that when they cry they have baby tears! I hate it. Anyway, enjoy the photos!
Jet's Wheels
With the semi-warm weather we have been spending a lot of time outside. One of Jet's favorite things to do is ride his big boy bike! He loves it and he actually pedals this year and we don't have to push him, now if he would only get a little faster we could actually let him ride it when we go for walks!
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