I know it's been a while. 10 days, I know! But we've been really busy. It's been work, and the weather's great so no one wants to be inside early in the evening. Andy just finished up 2 of the 3 softball leagues he plays on last week, now we're down to one night a week. I'm kickboxing one night a week. And the holiday weekend was crazy busy! My brother graduated college, my grandfather was in town from Florida, my aunt and uncle and their two kids were in town from New York, we spent the whole weekend at my parents. We had a suprise birthday party for my grandpa and mom. It's been busy, then this week we've just been trying to keep up. The kids are all good. Enjoying the weather and playing outside. We got Harleigh's ears pierced, but Rogue didn't want hers done. And now my camera's battery is dead, so you'll just have to wait to see the photos of all the excitement lately! Sorry! I'll put them up as soon as I can, it's charging now, so hopefully this weekend!
Friday, May 29, 2009
Monday, May 18, 2009
On the Move Again....
No, not us....Just the kids! We moved the girls into toddler beds this weekend....they're doing pretty good. It takes them about 30-45 minutes to give up and realize they have to go to sleep, but it's not bad. And they sleep in them all night. Well, Rogue does. Harleigh has been in our room every night for a little bit because she keeps falling out of her bed. She wiggles so much when she's sleeping, we're going to have to put her next to the wall and get a rail for the other side. On Tuesday night she was at our bedroom door sucking her thumb and holding her blankie. Very cute! (Just not all the time)
To facilitate the new changes Andy spent the weekend moving the kids rooms around. Now they're all sleeping in the little room. He even got both dressers in there and the clothes hanging in the closets. The big room is now the playroom. Jet still has his loft area for his big boy toys, and now they all have a lot more floor space to play.
Thanks Daddy-- we love it!
18 month meltdown
The girls went in for their 18 month check-up a little early due to the holiday etc. Anyway, both girls are doing great! Harleigh is 32" tall and 21.5 lbs. Rogue is 31" tall and 20.5 lbs. They're both very little only in the 10% and 6% in weight, but right about the 50% for height. Other than that nothing really exciting happened. Here's a few photos of sisterly love. Rogue was having a meltdown (I don't remember why) and Harleigh was helping her. 
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Happy Birthday Daddy!
Andy's Birthday was yesterday. We celebrated with the kids last night with our traditional dinner and cake of the birthday persons choosing....
Andy and the kids getting ready to blow out his matches (I forgot candles)
And on Saturday I threw him a suprise party at a local restraunt with some of our friends from work and softball. Here's most of the group at Hooters where we went after dinner for a quick drink
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Happy Mother's Day
This Mother's Day we stayed at our place...a first for us not to be at a family members house. My brother Jesse and his wife Rel were at our place so we took them shopping at Zona Rosa then had lunch at Abuelos (this really amazing Mexican place)with some friends (Jennie and Matt and Maddie). Jennie and I even got free t-shirts and gift certificates for 4 free meals, one a month from now until the end of August! We spent the rest of the day just relaxing at the house and everyone (even Momma and Daddy) got to take a nap!
Jet and Uncle Jesse wait paitently while waiting on Aunt Rel to try on dresses
Daddy Plays Baseball
The weather's finally been warm enough and the games early enough that we've been going to Daddy's baseball games a lot lately! Suprisingly it's a very good time for everyone and the kids are really very very good. The girls hang out in the wagon and play and we eat dinner at the games (PB&J). Then towards the end we get out and run around. But lucky for Momma the girls are still pretty shy and don't wander far with all the strangers around. Jet is always a big helper, playing with the girls and pulling the wagon.
We were leaving the game Friday night when the girls deciede they needed some chips for the ride home

Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Friday, May 1, 2009
Pics, Pics and more Pics...
I know it's been a long time, but we've been busy. Nothing great really, just hanging out and enjoying each other. But having a lot of fun all the same.... anyway here's a few of our recent activities...
Rogue playing with her Bubba's Bat Cave
Jet and Harleigh reading train books together
(no she didn't really hit him)

It's been raining quite a bit here lately....
"What? I didn't do anything I swear!"
Jet made Thomas a track
He's Crazy
Rogue playing "Binga Boo" with Harleigh and Granny
As an update: everyone is good. Harleigh got 2 more teeth, the girls love to dance and read and play with all of Jet's toys. They say lots of words now including: milk, bubba, momma, daddy, dog, ball, sissy, no, mine, up and a few others I can't remember right now. The still talk to themselves quite a bit too but we can definately understand when they want something now. Jet is good. He loves riding his new bike, and playing with his diggers. He's been helping me cook quite a bit lately and playing with his friend Ethan (our neighbors son). Andy and I are good as well, just working and trying to survive the crazy kids. We're very glad its getting warmer so we can spend more time outdoors with them and wear them out, now if it would just stop raining long enough for it to actually dry out.
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