The little girls (Sisters as we like to call them) are no longer babies. They are big girls now, so much so that they like to play with babies. Below are some pics of them playing with the american girl dolls I got them on a work trip to Chicago last year.

Rogue loves the babies

Harleigh is a little more casual with the babies, she can take them or leave them most days, but sometimes she really likes them


Such nice little girls

And a side note to those few faithful readers I have....I know I haven't been posting as much lately. It's crazy busy here, you know, 3 kids, full time job, working out, summer and spending time outside with the kids. I promise everything at home is good and there are no problems other than there aren't quite enough hours in the day to accomplish all that needs to be done. Unfortunately, this blog is one of those items that gets pushed as not a top line priortiy. I promise to try to do better!!! I will post at least once a week!! And I know I have father's day and fourth of July photos still to post, but I'm going to watch the home run derby with the kids and Andy now, so they'll have to wait until later. But I promise they'll be up here soon!!