I'm going to try to keep this website posted to keep everyone up to date on the many happenings of Jet.
This is my first post so it might not be great! I promise to get better, like turning my photos before uploading them!
Anyway, the photos for today are of Jet's Surgery Day. He had his Adenoids removed and tubes put in his ears to help with his ear infections. The top photo is from before we left for the hospital that morning, the next is right before he went back to surgery, the third is right after surgery. He really didn't like his IV! And the last is him when he finally fell asleep that night at home. He's doing really well now and hopefully no more ear infections will get us! The doctor did say that he checked his tonsils while he was in there and they were pretty large also, but we're going to keep our fingers crossed that we won't have to deal with that!
Have to go, next time I'll try to add some old photos from the last few months that I haven't been able to share with everyone.
awe poor boy, that had to be rough on all of you!
Glad to see the new website, can't wait to see more pictures!
Bless his little heart! I remember when Cliff & Wayne had that done. It wasn't fun, but it does help so much!
Thanks for sending me his link Jeri, its wonderful to see how he is growing.
Take care! Mary
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