Hey what's this thing?
Daddy working under the sink
Jet helping Daddy cut some pipe
Rogue again, Daddy now can I please help you?
At long last my mom has come into modern times and has gotten a dishwasher! She's so excited, so this past weekend we went down so Andy in his plumbing excellence could install it for her! Jet and Rogue wanted to help him also.
And what a weekend it was! We were suprising my parents and just going to show up Saturday morning, except instead we suprised them with a phone call that we were stuck on the side of the road in the pouring rain in the van with no transmission!!! So suprise they came and got us and had the van towed to the mechanic. Then the dishwasher was a little tempermental to install and Rogue was crabby because she was getting her first 2 teeth!
Other than that it was a good weekend, we got the dishwasher installed, painted my mom's kitchen and she got 2 new cabinets and countertops! We even managed a little baseball with my brother and his wife and all of her family.
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