Monday, December 29, 2008
Monday, December 22, 2008
Friday, December 19, 2008
Family Christmas Reunion 2008
As is tradition we had our family Christmas dinner/reunion the second weekend in December. It's a great time to see everyone and just hang out and enjoy some really good food. Here's a few of the highlight photos....
Aunt Donna loves it when we take photos of her...
Rogue walking around checking everything out, mind you she was not about to go near anyone except us and Granny and Pops for most of the night...
Photo Catch Up
Thursday, December 11, 2008
And the winners are...(for the Christmas photo outfits)
So, in a previous post I asked for votes for Christmas outfit photos. And here are a few shots of the winners. We actually had family/birthday/Christmas photos taken , but 1) I didn't really like any shots of the kids and 2) to buy Christmas cards from the photographer is really expensive and wal*mart is not. So, I decided surely I could get a shot of the kids in their outfits at home and make them myself. What I was thinking I don't know....
It wasn't too bad getting shots of them individually...Here's Harleigh in the green dress. For all of you who voted for the blue dress with the ornaments, it didn't win, not because I didn't love it, but Jet wore red and green to look "Christmasy" so each girl wore a red or green dress...
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
And the numbers are in.... Part 2
Rogue Alexis
We made it a year with you too!
Again with how it sometimes amazes me how fast it went while during others it seemed as if it would never end!
You were my little baby only 5lbs 7oz at birth
Here you are checking out your Easter basket.
You are now 18 lbs 8 oz and 29 1/2" tall
You have 4 teeth, but that doesn't hold you back from eating everything in sight, though your favorites are fruits and pasta.
You talk talk talk! You can say mama, dada, bubba, ball, milk, hey, bye, and ho ho ho!
Other than words you also make it very clear when you want something or are displeased!
You are my crazy baby! Always going and wanting to be part of the action.
You absolutely think your Bubba is the greatest thing ever! And want to play whatever he is playing all the time!
You also love your monkey and dollies and any type of stuffed animal.
That's about it for cuddly for you as you will not go to someone you don't know.
Again, it's been an amazing year Rogey Monster!
Love, Momma
And the numbers are in...
Harleigh Kathryn
Can you believe it's been a whole year already???
It seems just yesterday you were this little.
A sweet 6lb 10 oz little girl with lots and lots of dark hair
Here you are around 4 months looking so pretty in your spring dress
You loved to play with the big kid toys!
and were super cute doing it!
Always a smile from my laid back girl.
You are now 18 lbs 15 oz and 30 1/2" tall.
You have 10 teeth, walk everywhere and can say the normal, mama, dada, sometimes bubba and milk and ball and book.
You're sweet and laid back and quick with a smile and willing to play with anyone.
On the other side you're a tad of a princess and have Daddy wrapped around your little finger (Pops too!)
You love to read books and play with Bubba's tool bench.
You eat everything! and love you're sippy cup.
You're a cuddly little girl and sometimes just want to be held!
Thanks for a great year Harleigh Momma!
Love, your Momma
Friday, December 5, 2008
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Happy Birthday Harleigh and Rogue!
The girls turned one on Friday!
I can't believe it's been a year already, time sure does fly when you're super busy!
Anyway we had a party for them on Saturday and here are a few of the photos...
Our first guests! Thanks Charli and Andres and Katie!
"Hey, I want to ride to, Nanny bought it for both of us!"
Harleigh and Granny got some foods...
Jet helps Rogue open her gifts, he might have been a little excited!
Harliegh and Granny open some gifts too!
Katie watches Rogue dig into her ladybug cake...
what was Momma thinking with red and black frosting???
Pops and Jet help Harleigh blow out her candle before she tried to touch it.
Rogue wasn't quite so lucky and Daddy had to blow it out for her, after she touched it she wanted nothing to do with the cake.
what was Momma thinking with red and black frosting???
It was a great day, thanks to everyone who came. The girls had lots of fun and still are with their new stuff. They especially love to sit on their new couch together (thanks Charli!). Momma likes the clothes and the boys like the new toys to play with!
I'll have more info on them specifically after their 1yr Dr. appt.
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