Rogue Alexis
We made it a year with you too!
Again with how it sometimes amazes me how fast it went while during others it seemed as if it would never end!
You were my little baby only 5lbs 7oz at birth
Here you are checking out your Easter basket.
You are now 18 lbs 8 oz and 29 1/2" tall
You have 4 teeth, but that doesn't hold you back from eating everything in sight, though your favorites are fruits and pasta.
You talk talk talk! You can say mama, dada, bubba, ball, milk, hey, bye, and ho ho ho!
Other than words you also make it very clear when you want something or are displeased!
You are my crazy baby! Always going and wanting to be part of the action.
You absolutely think your Bubba is the greatest thing ever! And want to play whatever he is playing all the time!
You also love your monkey and dollies and any type of stuffed animal.
That's about it for cuddly for you as you will not go to someone you don't know.
Again, it's been an amazing year Rogey Monster!
Love, Momma
1 comment:
Cute post Jeri, I am disappointed to see Harleigh in KU garb. Yuck!
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