What a day Monday has been!!! It was just an awful day at work! Some days I really wonder why I spend all day there when I'd rather be at home with the kids. Anyway, it was not good, I went in early to get ready for a big meeting, which went well for the most part other than no one had suggestions on what we're supposed to do next and my boss kept making weird comments. The I put data in that apparently I wasn't supposed to show yet and got told so in front of everyone. Then later in the same meeting got asked where other data was that wasn't done yet b/c it wasn't validated yet. Seriously Make Up Your Minds!
Anyway, then at home I thought it'd be a nice calm evening, but the kids had other ideas....

Does this look like the face of a little girl that would pee all over my bedroom carpet???
YES it does! Of course she did this while she was waiting on us to clean out the bathtub because her sister decided to poop in it...

Does this look like the face of a boy who decides he doesn't like his dinner so after he grudgingly takes his required bite, chews it then spits in on his plate along with a little extra???
YES it does!

And this from the same girl that decided to poop in the tub....earlier in the evening she was playing with some of her Bubba's planes on the couch when she got too close to the edge and fell off backwards. And of course the plane above was in her little hand, which was behind her head when she landed and cut it. And you know how head cuts are, they bleed everywhere! So she bled all over her white shirt. Never fear she is fine, just two tiny scratches from the plane's engines and I was able to get all the blood out of the shirt, not the carpet but at least the shirt.

And here she is that poopin' fallin' little Harleigh herself!
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