Another relaxing weekend at home, if you can say trapped in a small house with 3 crazy kids because it's too cold to go outside, is relaxing anyway.
Jet in the playroom
The girls love the toybox!
Andy said he was studying, but I'm not sure I believe him...
He gets his musical ability from his mother if that tells you anything!
Harleigh is such a cheeser!
Jet and Rogue played firehouse
Harleigh riding the pony
Rogue and her dolly in the basket! ( I told Andy buying those American Girl dolls last year when I was in Chicago for work was a good idea! The girls do play with them)
Wonder what she's thinking...
And just a Rogue update...She's had a really bad cold lately and been very crabby, tonight we learned that she was probably super crabby because not only could she not breathe, she also got in 4.5 teeth in the last 3 days! Now she has 8 total and one more molar that will probably be through in the next few days! Fortunately for us she is feeling much better now.
And a Jet update, we had him screened for pre-school for next year and were told there is no way he is educationally "at-risk" and not to worry about pre-school, but if we still wanted to send him to look into one of the private ones in town. To send him to a private pre-school, anywhere in town costs as much as I pay for my car every month. Needless to say Jet will not be attending pre-school, just hanging out another year and going straight into kindergarten!
And for Harleigh, she's good, just being sweet and silly. We're thinking she might be ready to potty train soon. If you ask her where the potty is she'll go in and sit on the little on at the daycare. I can't wait for no more diapers!
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