Sunday, September 19, 2010

Jet goes to School

Jet started school this year! He is in Mrs. Westley's afternoon kindergarten class at Amberly Elementary! So far he likes it, when I ask him what he did that day he says, "You know, just read books and played and wrote some stuff. No big deal Mom." His first day, standing by the closet where he will keep his bookbag, coat, boots etc
Jet at his desk

Outside the school

The girls at the door being mad because they can't go with their Bubby, they even had their pack-packs ready

Showing the sisters where his back pack goes everyday

Rogues at the reading center

The kids having cake to celebrate Amberly Elementary's 50th Birthday

Jet shwing us his favorite books at the reading center

Jet showing us the globe

Monday, September 6, 2010

Rogue goes to the eye doctor

Rogue has been blinking her eyes lots and lots lately. I don't just mean like a regular blink, but something more purposeful and like she knows she's doing it. We ask her if her eyes hurt and she says no, but it's been going on a while now. So last week when we were in at the doctors getting his hearing tested for school we asked them, they referred us to an eye doctor, saying that could be a sign she needed off we went. She looks super excited to be there doesn't she???
Harleigh helping her check out the room before she had to go out and sit with Daddy

To get her into the chair I had to let her dig through my purse looking for snackies!
After her visit which she did really good at, for someone who hates strangers and strange places, it has been determined that there's no need for glasses this year, maybe next year and maybe not, by then hopefully she'll be more willing to talk during the appointment and we'll be able to get a better judgement of what she's seeing. He also said there's nothing physically wrong with her eyes (lack of tears etc) so we're headed back to the doctor to figure out what's going on.

Welcome Baby Pearl!

About 3 weeks ago now, Andy's sister Besty and her husband Schy welcomed their first little girl into their family, Pearl Birdie...Here's a few pics of the cute new addition to their family! The proud father
Miss Roguey checking out her cousin

Jet was so good with the baby, sweet and talking to her!

The amazing baby whisperer!
When Miss Pearl was fussy Andy just took her and she was happy as could be!
Congrats Betsy and Schy!