Rogue has been blinking her eyes lots and lots lately. I don't just mean like a regular blink, but something more purposeful and like she knows she's doing it. We ask her if her eyes hurt and she says no, but it's been going on a while now. So last week when we were in at the doctors getting his hearing tested for school we asked them, they referred us to an eye doctor, saying that could be a sign she needed off we went.
She looks super excited to be there doesn't she???
Harleigh helping her check out the room before she had to go out and sit with Daddy
After her visit which she did really good at, for someone who hates strangers and strange places, it has been determined that there's no need for glasses this year, maybe next year and maybe not, by then hopefully she'll be more willing to talk during the appointment and we'll be able to get a better judgement of what she's seeing. He also said there's nothing physically wrong with her eyes (lack of tears etc) so we're headed back to the doctor to figure out what's going on.
Hi Jeri, You have taken a very good decision by taking her to the doctor. Because you never Know what is the exact problem in her eyes except Doctors. Hope All will go well at the end.
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