Sunday, June 29, 2008

Mom's Big Boy

Just a few happenings in the life of Jet.... He still loves his diggers
and bathtime, but now we have lego boats to play with (these are from when daddy was little),

He still looks pretty sweet when he's sleeping...
He even helps daddy build things!

Mom's big boy, almost 4 going on 16. A complete mind of his own.

And just a funny little story to go with the photos. The other day when Andy was at home with the kids while I was at work, he asked Jet what he wanted for dinner, Jet replied "pop tarts" Andy said no and asked him again, Jet said, "popcorn" Andy said no and Jet went off to play. Andy thought all 3 were playing quitely so he decided to take a shower. As he was turning off the shower he heard the microwave beeping. He ran out to the kitchen to find Jet on the counter getting down one of the popcorn bowls. While Andy was in the shower he had gone in the pantry, gotten a bag of popcorn out and put it in the microwave (mind you he did not take the plastic wrapper off). He then pushed some button that made it go and the popcorn popped. The then got it out and put it on the counter and was looking for a bowl when Andy came in. So Andy put some of the not totally black pieces in the bowls (note that they were still pretty burnt) Jet tried a piece and them promptly threw everything in the bowl out along with the remaining stuff in the bag. Then he asked Daddy to have pizza for dinner.

What an independent little thing!

Such Big Girls

Hey, whats this stuff???? (aren't our dresses cute! Grandma Linda got them for us and now we're big enough to wear them!)

Well, the girls are 7 months old now. I can't believe how times flies. I know I probably say this a lot, but it does. (Being gone for 2 weeks probably makes this more evident to me, now I know how the grandparents feel when they see the kids after a long time)

In the past month Harleigh has gotten another tooth, and is working on crawling even more, though she's not as into it as Rogue, she's getting there. She, however, is an excellent sitter and plays for hours at her big girl toys. She also loves to stand.

Rogue on the other hand is crawling everywhere, no teeth yet, but she's been pretty crabby lately, so maybe soon. Both girls are working on drinking from big girl cups and eating even more big girl foods. They really like grahm crackers, but no the dissolvable crackers you buy. Rogue doesn't even pretend to eat them, she just thrown them on the floor. Anyway, here's some recent photos.... Hey what's on my head?
Look, that other girl might have let you do this, but I am not going to smile for your amusement!
I love my piano thing
and I love my daddy!
Rogue is so crazy about crawling she doesn't let anything get in her way, not even her sister!

Long Time No Blog

You may have noticed that I haven't posted in a while, and I actually have a good reason for it this time! I have been traveling for work. In a way this is bad (10 days away from home with no husband or kids!) and in a way it's good (job advancement is always good!). Anyway, Andy's mom, Grandma Linda came to visit the weekend I was out of town so Andy could get things like laundry and grocery shopping (have you tried to shop with t infant carriers and a 3 year old in only 1 cart ? Not buying many groceries!) I left Andy the camera to take photos while I was gone and he took 2. So here they are.... Grandma with the kids...

and the girls drinking from their big girl cups!
As for my trip, it was very good lots of good stuff for work. And it was very lonely, 10 days alone, seriously the first week was okay, but after than it gets wearing...Anyway, I did take photos of where I was at in Delaware (with a throw away camera from wal-mart) and as soon as I get them developed I'll post them also.

Jesse and Rel

Uncle Jesse and Rel came up and spent the night with us. They got the girls dressed and ready for the day! And even had some time to play with Jet....

Thanks for visiting us!

Jet's First Sleep Over!

Jet went on his first sleep over this month! On the 12th to be exact. He went with his best friend Ty (and Ty's parents) and spent the night in a hotel downtown, they went swimming and to eat at this restraunt where there are train tracks all around it on the walls and trains deliver the food to the tables!
The night before Ty came over to hang out at our place.
The boys sure do love the train tracks. I guess daddy was right after all.
Notice that Ty has cool hair like Jet does?

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Jet's New Do

Daddy took Jet to get his hair cut....

I'm too cool for this mommy!

Play Date

This weekend my friend Charli and her daughter Katie came to visit us at my parents. The girls got along really well and had a good time playing together. It was great to see them and hang out again! Thanks for visiting us!

Friday, June 6, 2008

Harleigh's Big News

Who has news??? Don't bother me now Mommy, I'm having a pancake!
Okay fine, If you won't leave me alone, I guess I'll have to tell you...
Look at my 1st Tooth! I'm such a big girl now!

The Crawler gets Caught

As you all now know from the previous post, Rogue has become quite the accomplished crawler. So much so, in fact, the other night while I was giving Harleigh a bath she crawled herself into a bit of a pickle.... This is where I found my wonderful child, under our bed. Mind you, she started out across the room with a few toys.
But of course she wanted the blue birdie toy that somehow ended up under our bed, so she had to go get it. But after she got it she realized she was stuck and she was mad!
Please Mommy, stop taking pictures and laughing at me and get me out!

Of course I did, just as soon as I took these shots!

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Swimming, sort of...

Jet and Rogue
All three kids in the pool doesn't leave much room for playing
Bathing beauties, I got them swimsuits, but sent them to the sitter's house, I guess I'll just have to get two more!
Jet waiting patiently for his turn in the water.

With the temperature rising I decided to get the kids a little pool, unfortunately I didn't read the package very well because it's much smaller than I realized. Oh well, it's big enough for them to cool off and splash around in.

Pretty Dresses

My grandma, Nanny, bought the girls pretty dresses that they are now big enough to wear!
Harleigh likes hers.....
Rogue likes hers too, I swear,
Don't they look pretty!