Well, the girls are 7 months old now. I can't believe how times flies. I know I probably say this a lot, but it does. (Being gone for 2 weeks probably makes this more evident to me, now I know how the grandparents feel when they see the kids after a long time)
In the past month Harleigh has gotten another tooth, and is working on crawling even more, though she's not as into it as Rogue, she's getting there. She, however, is an excellent sitter and plays for hours at her big girl toys. She also loves to stand.
Rogue on the other hand is crawling everywhere, no teeth yet, but she's been pretty crabby lately, so maybe soon. Both girls are working on drinking from big girl cups and eating even more big girl foods. They really like grahm crackers, but no the dissolvable crackers you buy. Rogue doesn't even pretend to eat them, she just thrown them on the floor. Anyway, here's some recent photos....
Hey what's on my head?
Look, that other girl might have let you do this, but I am not going to smile for your amusement!
I love my piano thing
and I love my daddy!
Rogue is so crazy about crawling she doesn't let anything get in her way, not even her sister!
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