You may have noticed that I haven't posted in a while, and I actually have a good reason for it this time! I have been traveling for work. In a way this is bad (10 days away from home with no husband or kids!) and in a way it's good (job advancement is always good!). Anyway, Andy's mom, Grandma Linda came to visit the weekend I was out of town so Andy could get things like laundry and grocery shopping (have you tried to shop with t infant carriers and a 3 year old in only 1 cart ? Not buying many groceries!) I left Andy the camera to take photos while I was gone and he took 2. So here they are....

Grandma with the kids...

and the girls drinking from their big girl cups!
As for my trip, it was very good lots of good stuff for work. And it was very lonely, 10 days alone, seriously the first week was okay, but after than it gets wearing...Anyway, I did take photos of where I was at in Delaware (with a throw away camera from wal-mart) and as soon as I get them developed I'll post them also.
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