Tuesday, September 22, 2009

The Return of Dog-Dog

A package for Rogue

How do u open this, remember i am only 2

Oohhh i cant look, what if its diapers or something worse

My daddy will help me open it, please let it be something good

Its my dog-dog oh i love my dog-dog

Wait what is in there for me

I missed my dog-dog, since my parents left him
at granny and pops, sorry give me a minute while i fight back these tears

Dont u ever leave him there again hear me
mom and dad

I guess i will just wear daddys boots instead

Happy Birthday Pops and Nanny


Its not even his birthday and that is not even
close to enough candles for the others.

Presents for me and not for U

Pops cant even open his own presents anymore

Happy birthday to u

Bouncy Bouncy

Who said these things were just for cats

Why buy real kids toys

Uncle Schys cousins mothers brothers friends cousins
bounce toy

Get her

Too late lucky girl

Mmm Cake

Cake give me cake NOW

Were u been hidin this stuff

There has got to be more cake on here somewhere

Yeaaa I found a speckle
Mmmm cake ruugghh uuummmm yyuuumm cake

This stuff is awesome more please!!

Monday, September 21, 2009

My babies and playgrounds dont mix

Harleigh in TO cuase she thought rocks were cool and threw them everywhere.

See she is goin to throw rocks on sissy. Look at that shit eatin grin, little miss angel.

This brings back memories of someones certain birth. Oh wait she didnt come like that.

At least she isnt throwin rocks anymore.

Monkey see monkey do.

Harleighs rebirth with rocks of course.

Cuz Julia takin a slide.

Jet and Henry showin everyone how to fly planes.

Jet explainin to his Uncle Schy and Monica (Pauls girlfriend) the meanin of life.

Cuz Chris showin his daughter how to be a maniac, maniac on the floor,
and shes dancin like she never danced before

Wheels and Spills

Jet learnin to ride a bike in our parkin lot

Jet learnin it is hard to ride a bike. He met the pavement alot that night

Harleigh takin the safe approach, four wheels on the ground

Ethan showin Rogue how to ride a trike.

One Bike, Two Girls....

Little Rogue gets a bike before daddy

No Harleigh has a bike before daddy

Ok Ok just whose bike is this

And the brawl continues into the yard


Tryin to figure out a peaceful solution

Well i guess we know whose bike it is
