Sunday, September 19, 2010

Jet goes to School

Jet started school this year! He is in Mrs. Westley's afternoon kindergarten class at Amberly Elementary! So far he likes it, when I ask him what he did that day he says, "You know, just read books and played and wrote some stuff. No big deal Mom." His first day, standing by the closet where he will keep his bookbag, coat, boots etc
Jet at his desk

Outside the school

The girls at the door being mad because they can't go with their Bubby, they even had their pack-packs ready

Showing the sisters where his back pack goes everyday

Rogues at the reading center

The kids having cake to celebrate Amberly Elementary's 50th Birthday

Jet shwing us his favorite books at the reading center

Jet showing us the globe


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Hello Jeeri, This boy Seems to be a very good and disciplined at school. That's what everyone needs. Hope he will have a great future ahead.

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silver said...

Very moving pictures! I hope that your children will always be healthy and happy !!!